

Ko-Vaxin is an organic product based on essential oil formulation. Ko-Vaxin helps to control different types of virus in different crops. Ko – Vaxin work prevently, curatively both.

Ko-Vaxin helps to make crop healthy.

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Ko-Vaxin is an organic product based on essential oil formulation. Ko-Vaxin helps to control different types of virus in different crops. Ko – Vaxin work prevently, curatively both.

Ko-Vaxin helps to make crop healthy.

Use for crops: Capsicum, Chilli, Tomato, Brinjal, Papaya, Banana etc. Doses:

1-1.5ml/litre of water.

Packing : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml

Additional information


100 ML, 250 ML, 500 ML


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